This book is the first textbook on this important topic, enabling graduate students and researchers in string theory and particle, nuclear and condensed matter physics to get acquainted. Gaugegravity duality and its applications institute for nuclear theory. It has led to new concepts in mathematics and physics, and provides new tools to solve problems in. Aspects of the gaugegravity duality and holography. Conceptual aspects of gaugegravity duality philsciarchive. Extra dimension identified with renormalization scale. Based on string theory, it provides a new relation between a quantum. Introduction to gauge gravity duality lectures at tasi, june 17, 2010 joseph polchinski1 kavli institute for theoretical physics university of california santa barbara, ca 931064030 abstract. Click download or read online button to gaugegravityduality book pdf. This duality states that certain higher spin gauge theories on antide sitter space are equivalent to conformal field theories with on symmetry. As an application example of gaugegravity duality, we present a holographic kondo model. Topics in gaugegravity duality graduate lecture course university of oxford trinity term 2012 room 501, dwb, department of physics mondays, 14.
Sec tion 10 discusses the bearing of gaugegravity duality on two. The adscft correspondence is closely related to another duality conjectured by igor klebanov and alexander markovich polyakov in 2002. Gauge gravity duality foundations applications pdf droppdf. Gauge gravity duality, also known as holography, relates quantum field theories to theories of gravity. For the adscft correspondence, it explains in detail how string theory provides the conjectured map. Gaugegravity duality valid more generally than string theory. Pdf aspects of the gaugegravity duality and holography. Gaugegravity duality creates new links between quantum theory and gravity. Applications of the gaugegravity duality jonas probst springer.
These lecture notes only give an outline of the most important concepts. We discuss the evidence for the duality, its lessons for gravitational. Gaugegravityduality download gaugegravityduality ebook pdf or read online books in pdf, epub, and mobi format. Click download or read online button to gaugegravitydualityfoundationsandapplications book pdf. Detailed information on gauge gravity duality, the adscft correspondence and its applications may be. Thermodynamics of strongly coupled plasmas n 4 supersymmetric. Gaugegravity duality by martin ammon cambridge university press. Generalisations to less symmetric cases of gauge gravity duality and their applications are then presented, in particular to finite temperature and density, hydrodynamics, qcdlike theories, the quarkgluon plasma and condensed matter systems. Applications of the gaugegravity duality inspire inspire hep. We study aspects of gaugegravity duality for theories with reduced supersymmetry and without conformal symmetry. The introductory point consisting of a description of t hoofts large n limit and its relation with string theory, a quick jump is then made towards the.
Introduction gauge gravity duality is one of the major developments in theoretical physics over the last two decades. Topics in gaugegravity duality university of oxford. Gaugegravitydualityfoundationsandapplications download gaugegravitydualityfoundationsandapplications ebook pdf or read online books in pdf, epub, and mobi format. It has led to new concepts in mathematics and physics, and provides new tools to solve problems in many areas of theoretical physics. Gaugegravity duality by martin ammon cambridge core. Introduction to gaugegravity duality johanna erdmenger 1.
Renormalization group flows in gaugegravity duality arxiv. We describe the conjectured holographic duality between yangmills quantum mechanics and type iia string theory. Cambridge core particle physics and nuclear physics gaugegravity duality by martin ammon. Read gauge gravity duality foundations applications pdf.
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